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Wins Employment Law Case Against Hennepin County

On Behalf of | Jul 22, 2017 | In The News |

attorney at Evenson Decker, P.A., recently and decisively won an employment case against Hennepin County.

In mid-March, Sarah was in court with her client, Tracy Schutt. Tracy had been wrongfully terminated from Hennepin County where she was a child support worker. Fired in September 2018, Sarah was able to rightfully return Tracy to her previous position, with back pay and benefits reinstated as well.

If you need legal employment advice, contact attorney today.

Other employees fired from Hennepin County at the same time have been contacting Sarah.

“I have more than a half-dozen of the terminated employees who talked to me,” Jewell said, according to KSTP-TV News. “I think the reason the county fired them ‘with cause’ is because it’s cheaper than laying them off because they lose benefits, even unemployment.”

Watch the story on KSTP-TV:


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